
I cannot fully express how much this has help my kiddos. We play a game and once they learn a color, they earn a colored gumball on the wall. They are excited about learning their sight words. I was starting from scratch and this has helped me immensely.

Melanie D.,

Love this! I use this with my kids all year for learning sight words - provides success while learning some difficult ones! Thanks!

Carol B,

I teach 3rd grade bilingual students and i was able to use these even in third grade to support sight word learning.

Leslie S.,

Sight Words have always been a struggle for me as a teacher...I have literally tried EVERYTHING. Your program has been a HUGE success for me with my first graders. I just started using this system about 2-3 weeks ago and have already seen major improvements. Thank you so much, I feel like a successful teacher as I see so much success with my students and their sight word recognition.

Sara T.,